Saturday, July 3, 2010

Perfect Opportunity For Life!

Perfect Opportunity For Life!: "Sample outlook of my public ads for all walks of life." This is a series of pictures and portfolio archives of Lifestyles PRODUCTS as well as the means of changing and improving one's HEALTH,WELLNESS AND TYPE OF QUALITY OF LIVING everyday.

Lifestyles journey(2000-2007)-My 1st Stage of MLM

Lifestyles journey(2000-2007)-My 1st Stage of MLM: "This marks the first phase of my DISTRIBUTOR JOURNEY.From a start up capital of only PHP 1,200.00 which i actually garnered from saving money for straight 3 consecutive months, I bought only 1 INTRA BOTTLE for HEALTH CHALLENGE to SAVE ME FROM CRITICAL DEATH TOLL DUE TO OBESITY. I was give 6 months to live without drastic means i will not be able to move on with life, due to the VOLUMINOUS FAT that SURROUNDED ALL OVER MY INTESTINES & HEART ARTERIES that totally BLOCKED my BREATHING PATTERNS and HEALTHY MEANS OF LIFESTYLE. I could not even GO TO THE EXTENT OF WAKING UP in BED, due to OVERWEIGHT PROBLEMS so CHRONIC which LEAD ME NEAREST MY THE COST OF MY LIFE.

Thank you so much JUN COSME FOR SHARING THE FIRST BOTTLE OF INTRA, if he could not have given it to me last 2000, I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LIVING EXCITINGLY PERFECT LIFE/sec EVERYDAY since 2007 and onwards.

Money can not pay the gratitude which paved to my EVER CHANGING QUALITY OF LIVING.